Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fool proof real estate evaluation tools

Real estate investment is a proven way to make money, if the investor has a good plan and realistic goals. Yet, even the most careful plan can be short-circuited by abrupt changes in property value or inaccurate information about value.

That's why real estate evaluation is so important to the process. Some people new to the business may think that finding the real "cream puff" or "diamond" property is most important among all property tips. While investing in the right property, based on value, is certainly a top priority, there are ways to make a nice profit from virtually any real estate, if the proper path is followed.

If this is the case, how does the investor go about finding the correct investment opportunity? Some have taken advantage of the new and plentiful opportunities offered by the World Wide Web and Internet connections. Finding property can require hours of search and research, though the electronic information available expands the possibilities and makes locating properties less stressful.

Owner sales, real estate agents/brokers and multiple listing services are among the types of listings that may contain property with just the right value. Tip: Be sure to understand licensing requirements. It may be best not to take all the information at a face value. Healthy skepticism is generally a good idea.

As they used to say in the old days, some good, old-fashioned shoe leather will go a long way toward finding good property investments. The best method for evaluating property is making a personal visit. But it probably won't be enough to just visit the individual site. Plan to take a good look at the surrounding neighborhood or business area. Talking to some of the other property owners can uncover some necessary details or answer a few critical questions about the true value of the property.

In fact, many real estate investment professionals make two or more visits to the property, to experience the area in different weather conditions or on different days of the week, for example. This practice can also lead to information from some neighbors who weren't available on the first or second stop. (It's certainly not fun to visit investment property during a rainstorm. But this may be the best time for the potential investor to discover problems).

Property inspection by a professional is a great way to take some of the doubt and stress out of real estate evaluation. A few dollars spent on this step can be recouped with a good sale later (and repeated use of a trusted inspector). But it is always important for the investor to study the inspector's report carefully, to become familiar with all the flaws, major or minor, that come with the purchase of property.

When working with the value of real estate, remember that prices and costs are almost always negotiable. Properties are generally not "perfect" so, when discussing the value of a home or business take time to understand the smallest details. This is where real estate evaluation begins.

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